Saturday 27 June 2020


Aftet the fiasco on Thursday
our weather is back to normal:
After Thursday's fiasco here,
On and off the beach.
The weather today is extremely wet.
For me the beach still out of reach.
It has been pouring steadily,
Throughout the long night.
I as lay in bed just pondering,
"Is everything going to be alright?"
I've remained indoors now
For quite a long time.
Keeping myself hopefully safe,
And to others ... is that a crime?
The flowers are getting a watering,
They must have been very dry.
Our unexpected heatwave,
Certainly brought tears to eyes.
I hope your weekend is great,
Whatever may be the weather.
How lovely it will be to walk in the woods,
And dance among the heather.
Yvonne Lewis: 27/06/2020


  1. It looks like our day will be sunny and hot. Another day to stay inside. One day, life will go back to normal, if there is such a thing. Something to look forward too, a walk on your beach. Have a good weekend.

    1. I'm beginning to feel utterly confused Beverly with all the contridictions of what or what we cannot do.
      You too have a good weekend.


  2. dance in the heather in your mind. The rain should cut back beach revels. We are hot and the Sahara dust cloud has rolled in, so very hazy. I have 2 friends coming for a patio visit and swim. We'll talk, and talk - social distance fun. Haven't seen them since Christmas. You would enjoy the group and be welcome.

    1. I'll just hop on a plane and fly over Joanne.
      Have a lovely time with your friends.... you must have much to talk about.


  3. Well, if the rain was needed, then it's a good thing it's a wet Saturday.

    1. After the Thursday we had extremely hot, many, many visitors to the beaches whithout social distancing then yes Alex it was needed. Hope you're keeping well.


  4. Happy weekend, Yvonne! I always like a good rain as long as flooding is not involved. Our weather will be hot but that is summer in Phoenix :)


    1. Thank you Betty, you also have a good weekend. We here in the UK are not used to extremely hot weather so Thursday was the hottest June day since records began.
      Take care of yourself and be safe.


  5. Hi, Yvonne! Here I go, working backwards again. I'm having even more trouble trying to stay on top of things. We've had some rain recently, but we're looking at a heat wave hitting us in a day or so. I don't do hot well. I hate to use the air-conditioning, but I might be forced to. At least living in an arid climate usually means it cools off at night. I try not to worry about what's happening in the future. Things are getting worse here, so tomorrow I'm going to buy a big bag of flour and another of sugar. My youngest sister recently sent me two pounds (~ 0.9 kilograms) of yeast. Bread and beans ~ at least we won't starve. Please hang in there and keep the faith! Hugs to you!

    1. I thank you Louise for all the comments. Sorry things are getting worse where you are it is very scary.
      Please take care and healthy.

