Sunday, 29 March 2015


with the A to Z almost here I thought
I would write a bit about yours truly to those who don't know me

I was born in the county of Surrey,
Here in the old UK.
I spent the first few years of my life there,
Happiness all the way.

Then at the age of two yrs,
We moved to my parents home town.
It was a place called Bristol (picture above)
An historical place of renown.

The following year my dad
Suddenly passed away.
It was a great shock to my mother,
He's been sadly missed each and every day.

I spent most of my life in Bristol,
It was there I met the love of my life.
After a few years of courtship,
I agreed to become his wife.

Two sons and a daughter duly followed,
The pride of our lives I can boast.
The in the year 1979
We moved to Weymouth on the South Coast.

We had a wonderful life there,
How good to live by the sea.
The years flew by so quickly,
Soon it was just hubby and me.

The year 1998 was bittersweet.
Our first grandchild was born one July day.
 Then a bitter blow followed ten days later,
My dear mum she passed away.
Three days later another shock,
Husband diagnosed with Cancer of the brain.
They gave him six months to live,
Oh, how my heart did pain.

Two months later on09/11/98
Thrity five years of laughter and fun
Did end,  as husband took his last breath,
And a new chapter in my life had begun.

Photo;s: top. Bristol' Clifton Suspension Bridge
Middle: Husband hold baby Josh ......last photo of husband
Bottom: Mother and myself some years earlier.

Copyright Yvonne Lewis. 2009:


  1. Nice to know a little more about you and where you grew up, Yvonne.

  2. A great life reflection in verse indeed

  3. Thanks for letting us know more of you Yvonne! Things of the past are gone, now just memories. Best wishes for the future in your new home!


    1. Many thanks Hank, it's a lovely apartment but oh so lonely without my family .

  4. Good way to introduce yourself to the readers who don't know these things about you. This is appropriate as we head into A to Z.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thank you Lee for your comment, Hope all goes well for the A to Z.

  5. I visited the Clifton Suspension Bridge for the first time a few weeks ago. A lovely sight.I enjoyed seeing your photos and learning a little more about you today. 1998 must have been a very hard year indeed.

  6. Yes Suzanne, it is a lovely sight, but I didn't like walking over it much.
    Thanks for the somment.

  7. Thanks for sharing. It is nice to learn more about you!

    1. My pleasure Gregg, hope you have a wonderful Easter.
