Saturday 1 December 2018


The last month of this year,
Not a very good year for me.
But life carries on regardless,
Even though I feel all at sea.
Welcome to December,
On the horizon is Christmastime.
Children all excited I noticed.
At the shops in the queing line.
At the market on this wet Saturday,
Christmas carols being sung.
To herald the beginning of December,
Everyone having fun.
May this month for you,
Be full of  serenity and charm.
May happiness reign supreme.
Not coming to any harm.

Enjoy this rainly weekend.
Whatever you may do.
Thanks for being here for me.
Everyone of you.

Yvonne Lewis 01/12/2018:


  1. Greetings Yvonne. A well-written poetic-piece that I enjoyed reading. Well done. It's good to try and keep busy in times of distress, and by blogging you are taking your mind off things for a while? Sorry you are down at this present time! Tut. I hope December proves of worth to you. Yes, not long until Christmas - my Grandkids are already excited citing what they want when they see it on TV or in the shops. Thank you for your well wishes, and I'm glad some of us are here for each-other. Blessings. Love love, Andrew.

    1. Many thanks Andrew, yes Christmas is much evident these days and great to see the children si excited,


  2. December, with all the excitement about Christmas for those who celebrate, is a month of joy and good feelings to all. I love seeing the smiles on children's faces as they visit with Santa. And tomorrow the children at church have their program. Looking forward to watching them. Happy December to you, Yvonne.

    1. Thank you Beverly, may your December be happy and busy.


  3. Good morning - take each day and find a good moment or two and gather them. Children laughing, sunlight on the coast, a nice cup of tea. Keep in mind, everyone has their troubles. We all just have to look out for each other - whether in person or on the blog. I'm sending a smile across the ocean!

    1. Yes Joanne I quite agree everyone has problems but the secret is how to cope with them. Thanks for the smile much appreciated.


  4. Hi, Yvonne! I'm doing a little catching up with blogging buddies. It's lovely to read your well wishes for December and the comments they inspired. My "MacBeath" family is divided among Calgary, Alberta, Ottawa, Ontario, and Smith's Cove, Nova Scotia, while my "Barbour" family is even more scattered. It will just be Terry and me, and we're in Arizona. Not a kiddo in sight.

    Children at Christmastime are a joy to watch. My niece Jeannie just posted a video of our great niece Ella who is about 18 months old. Ella came across a stuffed Elmo character on the lowest shelf in a store. She reached out and pressed a button, and Elmo began to dance. So Ella began to dance too, mimicking Elmo perfectly. Oh to be so in the moment without a care in the world!

    I hope that your rain has stopped and you are enjoying a break in the late fall weather. I'm a big believer in hugs, so I'm sending you a big hug!

    1. Thanks for letting me know what is happening within your family.
      My they are scattered around.
      Your comment was much appreciated.

