Tuesday 8 December 2020


 Without depressing anyone I am

writing what my life has become

with the hope of obtaining some "Peace Of Mind"


Life for me changed two years ago

When I lost my son.

He was kind and generous,

And extremely good fun.


It broke my heart to lose him,

It made my on going Epilepsy worse.

Had to force myself to venture out,

Which to me was an unwanted cursse.


Last Christmas I gave my self "A Talk"

Promising to get to Spain.

To say a proper "Goodbye"  to John 

Hoping to feel better again.

Only I didn't reckon on  Covid Nineteen,

That by Spring we were in Lockdown.

That was the last time I went shopping,

Or to the beach go down.

I have and still am a virtual prsioner 

In this apartment of mine.

Whether the weather be rainy,,

Or even should the sun shine.

My son in law does my shopping.

So very kind I may say.

I will of course thank him,

Each and every day.


I do hear from my daughter

Each day on the phone.

And twice a week from my remaining son.

Whilst I'm all alone.


But friendwise I have none,

And no person I do see.

There are I know people about

Who are worse off than me.


I must make that "First Step" forward.

For a better life to lead.

That's why I'm putting this in writing,

Perhaps this is what I need.


I do get very frightened of the virus,

Well everyone does without a doubt.

But it's how they deal with life good or bad

Is what it's all about.


So today I'll put my best foot forward.

For a better life......we'll see.

I want my daughter and son plus you of course.

To be proud of me.




Yvonne Lewis: 08/12/2020:,





  1. I feel your pain for everything you've gone through. I have a little more human contact than you but am alone a lot too. I know how hard that is but try to remind myself that things will get better in a few months. Wish we lived in the same town so we could celebrate when it's safe to be together. Hang it there and keep writing. Hope you have a good week.

    1. Thank you Natalie I'm sorry your situation is similar to mine but we have to make the best of a bad job I suppose.
      Take care.

  2. The very first person to get a vaccine was there in the UK today. Soon you will be able to venture out again and finally make that trip to Spain.

    1. Thanks for your support Alex, I have some wonderful friends here.
      The vaccine all depends if it will agree with my present medication so my doctor tells me. But I have to think positive on that one.
      Take care.

  3. Your poems sum up what everyone is feeling. You are not alone and you are brave enough to put it on paper. We might not be there in person to chat, but blog world is out here in the ether and we keep track. Always glad to see a poem - the ups, the downs, the cheers, the tears. Keep aiming for Spain and it sounds like the UK is on the right track with the vaccine. Good luck!

    1. Thank you Joanne for you lovely comment. Yes life is full of the unexpected albeit good or bad.
      Have a good day.


  4. It has been a very long 9 months for you Yvonne since this all started. It is so sad what has happened and how it has affected people, especially people like you who are older and susceptible to perhaps getting sick. I hope the vaccine proves to be one you can take and that you can have more freedom in the year 2021!


    1. Yes Betty it has been along nine months.......could have had a baby if I was younger....lol.
      It is bitterly cold here and had a frost last night so don't mind remaining inside on days like this.
      Take care.

  5. Here's Hoping everyone in the UK is soon vaccinated--twice---then out and about. It has to be so hard living alone.
    Take special care.

    1. Thanks Sandra, owing to my past history of reactions to past vaccines not sure if I can have this one.
      Have to wait and see.


  6. What a great speech, Yvonne. You are brave and you can do it. Yes, Ma'am. You can. I'm cheering for you.

    1. Thank you Beverly I do appreciate your support....I certainly do need it.
      You take care and keep safe.
