Saturday, 17 June 2023



Yesterday I noticed that my followers list

Had dramatically decreased.

I was none to happy about that

All day I was not at peace.


It appears it's the followers

Who comment most on my posts,

Making me feel joy and happiness,

And as warm as toast.


I ensured I was still a follower on theirs,

I DID get two replies,

Telling me there was a notice saying,

They were not allowed..... before their eyes.


As I do not know much techincal knowledge,

Ihave left alone the issue

But PLEASE if you read my post,

Try to comment....please do.


Have a great weekend.

Another storm warning has come my way.

Hope the weather is good wherever you are,

Giving you a grand day.






  1. Weird that it did that. I'm sure they didn't unfollow. I don't even use that to follow a blog anymore. I'll click to be sure I'm still listed.

    1. Thank yoou Diane for coming by, glad you managed to comment, means much to me. Strange things happen I know on pc's.
      Hope you are well and have a good weekend.

  2. It is weirdly annoying. But hope I can at least keep commenting. Believe me, I will

    1. Have got my pc sorted, although the followers have returned in name not photo..... but good to know my followers have returned.
      Thank you Joanne.
