Friday, 16 June 2023




(a poem I wrote some time ago)


The words "Don't Suffer In Silence"

Hit hard and brought tears to my eyes.

Being an epiletic widow of  79 years,

Family problems I can't disguise.


I've lived totally alone these past few years,

No company do nI see.

I've contacted many places for help,

Which always prove negative results for me.


I appreciate during the pandemic

Many more people help they required.

But the excuses I'm given so often,

I'm beginning to tire.


I lost my youngest son in 2018,

He lived many years in Spain.

It's hard to come to terms with his passing,

Knowing I won't see or hear him again.


I would love to "Rejoin" the world.

Going to the hairdressers and opticians a "Must".

Taking that first hard step alone.

I would like someone I can trust.


So yes! I'm so very lonely,

"Suffering In Silence" I can relate.

I'm used to travelling world wide in the past,

Remaining indoors is something I hate.



Yvonne: 16/06/2023,



  1. I've tried to Follow your blog but I get a message that I don't have permission to do so. Likewise when I've tried to comment I get a similar message.
    I'm trying again.

    1. Thank you Arlee this has come through, I don't know what is going on but I do appreciate yjou trying.

  2. Oh my. This poem is sad, but please, please do not feel alone. We are here. We bloggers unite. I tried to resign up as a follower but it blocked me. Oh well. I am going to check in no matter what, so do not fear. It does not publicly show me, but I AM HERE. Do not despair, my friend.

    I admit I'm not on the computer as much since retired. But a few times a week for sure. Take care. Please keep your spirits up. Go to your beloved sea and I hope your cataracts are fixed soon. Keep posting poems - I love them!!!!

    1. Thank you Joanne, have recieved your comment, It;s good to know youre there and have taken in yoour advice.
