Thursday, 22 September 2022


After climbimg small mountains lately

To try and resume my life.

I have a big mountain to climb

Which is causing me tears and strife.


What is so important?

That question you may well ask.

To me it is of the utmost importance,

A mind boggling task.


You see my family are not speaking to me.

Why ? I've yet to discover.

After sending text and emails with no relies,

Family ties I need to recover.

They mean the world to me,

We've helped one another comewhat may.

But how I yearn for a phone call,

It would certainly make my day.

There is an old adage which says

"You Can Choose Your Friends But Not Your Family,"

In our case it's certainly true.

How I love the friendship shown by all of you.


Yvonne Lewis: 22/09/2022





  1. Your daughter was so good during the worst year of the pandemic. Maybe a visit is in order to see what's up.

    1. Thank you Alex for you advice, I will certainly think it over as she lives quite a distance away.

  2. I think Alex is right. It's a big step mountain, but YOU've got to show you are the bigger person. No pity parties . No poor me. Acknowledge you've been through a bit, but want to change and are changing. You are taking charge of your health, etc. Make sure family knows you aren't expecting anything. You just care how they are doing. Make it about them, not you. Good luck. It's tough but they've come round before.

    1. Many thanks Joanne for your wise comment. My kids have for years have treated me like this..... speaks at times then go years without a word. I was brought up to regard family as wonderful and thought we brought our kids up the same, I have to look after my health at this time more so than before there was the pandemic hence my staying in more.I hate stating in but Epilepsy is not an illness you ignore but it seems I'm being punished by my family for being "Selfish".
      Take care.

  3. This is heartbreaking to hear, Yvonne! Alex and Joanne have given you excellent ideas. I think it's important for you to reach out however you can. Life can change in a heartbeat, and the worst thing is to be too late to be able to reach out. Epilepsy is no joke. You must take care of your health the best way you know how. Hugs to you!

    1. My kids have been like this for years, keeping in touch for a while the ignoring me, I am trying to get professional help to sort things out as I live too far to visit them. Many thanks for your comment Fundy Blue, Much appreciated and take care.
