Friday, 23 June 2023





As you know these past years

For me have not been good.

During that time I've acted foolishly,

Doing things I not normanly would.


Slowly my life is returning 

To some normanlity.

One for sure is returning to blogging,

For all the world to see.


A few things I must remember,

As life progresses along.

"Not To Take The Good Times For Granted"

A title of a Danny Boy song.


Another thing I must remember

Don't "Worry" about things that many not occur.

It's not good for your health,

Having undue fears. 

I would like to thank you all

For the kindness shown to me.

I'll try not to let you down,

From this side of the sea.

So! I have Epilepsy  plus cataracts,

There's folk worse off than I.

It's those I think of each night and morning

As I look upwards to the sky.







  1. Hi, Yvonne! It's so good to have you back blogging again. You're so right. There are so many people in this world who have struggles far worse than mine. People who are suffering through horrific things. It seems so unfair ~ such an inadequate word.

    We can't take the good times for granted ~ life can change in a heartbeat. My sister lost a brother-in-law two weeks ago, just 60 years old. The shockwaves reverberated through our extended family because it was unexpected and unthinkable and everyone loved Brian.

    My Grandmother Ella MacDonald always said "Don't borrow trouble." Wise words because worrying about things that might not happen is not good. Easier said than done though. I hope you can get out in the sunshine by the shore. Take care!

    1. I am sorry about your brother, you must miss him so much. When I lost my son in 2018 it was and still is an awful shock.
      Yake care and thank you for your visit. much appreciated.
